The Northern Institute of Technology is located in Hamburg, Germany's second largest city. Hamburg is also called "The gate to the world". And that's exactly what NIT offers: And ambitious Master Program that opens a door to global companies, to leadership positions, and thus to world of groundbreaking opportunities.
In two years, students earn an MBA in Technology Management of NIT and a Master of Science of its partner
Hamburg University of Technology TUHH). The Technology Management Program combines one out of twelve different TUHH Master of Science courses in Engineering with the NIT MBA Program in Law & Management. In addition to a profound engineering and management knowledge, Management Soft Skills, and an internship with one of our international sponsors, are also part of the education at the NIT.
3135 Hits | 39 Votes
11.06.2007 14:45 | Länge 01:15:50
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11.06.2007 14:30 | Länge 01:29:26
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11.06.2007 14:27 | Länge 00:44:23
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11.06.2007 14:26 | Länge 01:01:36
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11.06.2007 14:25 | Länge 01:11:15
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11.06.2007 14:24 | Länge 00:45:58
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11.06.2007 14:23 | Länge 01:19:39
1976 Hits | 30 Votes
11.06.2007 14:21 | Länge 00:12:14