Beschreibung des Kanals

GENUS (Geochemistry and Ecology of the Namibian Upwelling System) aims to clarify relationships between climate change, biogeochemical cycles, and ecosystem structure in the large marine ecosystem of the northern Benguela/Namibian Coast (sout-west Africa). The coastal upwelling system has high seasonal and interannual variability in atmospheric forcing, in properties of water masses on the shelf offshore the Republic of Namibia, and in oxygen supply and demand on the shelf. In consequence, concentrations and ratios of nutrients in upwelling water and their CO2-content have steep gradients in space and time. In the past, significant and economically severe changes in ecosystem structure have occurred which are in part attributed to changes in physical forcing, translated to the ecosystem by oxygen dynamics.

The GENUS project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is an endorsed project of the Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER)

  • 19 Beiträge
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  • Anzahl der Likes : 1432
zu Universität Hamburg

Beiträge des Kanals

How does the Benguela Upwelling System work?

How does the Benguela Upwelling System work?

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

1085 Hits | 2 Votes

06.01.2017 10:42 | Länge 00:12:23

Medium bildschirmfoto 2017 01 05 um 14.25.29
Capacity Building - ISATEC-Student Lindan Mlambo

Capacity Building - ISATEC-Student Lindan Mlambo

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

538 Hits | 5 Votes

26.11.2014 11:53 | Länge 00:03:17

Still medium capacity building
Marine life in oxygen minimum zones

Marine life in oxygen minimum zones

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

821 Hits | 2 Votes

17.11.2014 14:50 | Länge 00:06:40

Still medium marine life in oxygen minimum zones
Biogeochemistry and sedimentology in the Benguela upwelling system

Biogeochemistry and sedimentology in the Benguela upwelling system

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

535 Hits | 2 Votes

10.11.2014 14:00 | Länge 00:07:15

Still medium biogeochemistry and sedimentology in the benguela upwelling system
Research into material cycles off the coast of Namibia

Research into material cycles off the coast of Namibia

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

668 Hits | 5 Votes

31.10.2014 14:38 | Länge 00:05:02

Still medium research into material cycles off the coast of namibia
Phytoplankton analysis off the coast of Namibia

Phytoplankton analysis off the coast of Namibia

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

959 Hits | 7 Votes

24.10.2014 10:25 | Länge 00:04:59

Still medium phytoplankton analysis off the coast of namibia
Research into the nutrient and carbon cycles in the upwelling system

Research into the nutrient and carbon cycles in the upwelling system

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

751 Hits | 2 Votes

20.10.2014 16:40 | Länge 00:08:27

Still medium anita podcampus hd
Nutrient analysis in the Benguela upwelling system

Nutrient analysis in the Benguela upwelling system

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

1168 Hits | 15 Votes

14.10.2014 10:30 | Länge 00:07:01

Still medium matthias na hrstoffe vimeo englisch hd 720p
Research into the carbon cycle in the upwelling system off Namibia

Research into the carbon cycle in the upwelling system off Namibia

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

868 Hits | 2 Votes

02.10.2014 17:44 | Länge 00:08:21

Still medium tim final export englisch hd 720p
Blue Algae - Nitrogen Fixation in the Ocean

Blue Algae - Nitrogen Fixation in the Ocean

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

4348 Hits | 975 Votes

29.07.2013 16:29 | Länge 00:04:35

Still medium tp 2 cyanobakterien engl final
Ichthyoplankton and juvenile fish in the Benguela upwelling region

Ichthyoplankton and juvenile fish in the Benguela upwelling region

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

3041 Hits | 82 Votes

22.07.2013 10:07 | Länge 00:04:55

Still medium ichtyoplankton englisch final
Wind and Water Masses - Physical Oceanography in the Benguela Upwelling System

Wind and Water Masses - Physical Oceanography in the Benguela Upwelling System

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

5888 Hits | 78 Votes

08.07.2013 14:44 | Länge 00:07:41

Still medium tp 2 ozeanographie english final
The Nitrogen Cycle in the Benguela Upwelling System

The Nitrogen Cycle in the Benguela Upwelling System

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

3983 Hits | 80 Votes

01.07.2013 16:47 | Länge 00:07:30

Still medium tp 3 stickstoff final engl
The role of krill for the Benguela ecosystem

The role of krill for the Benguela ecosystem

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

3769 Hits | 47 Votes

24.06.2013 17:46 | Länge 00:05:56

Still medium krill final englische version
The role of copepods and decapods in the Benguela Upwelling System

The role of copepods and decapods in the Benguela Upwelling System

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

13702 Hits | 28 Votes

17.06.2013 16:36 | Länge 00:04:45

Still medium tp6 copepoden und decapoden final lena  anna english version
Investigations of the Carbon Budget off Namibia

Investigations of the Carbon Budget off Namibia

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

3904 Hits | 45 Votes

10.06.2013 16:51 | Länge 00:05:04

Still medium tp 4 geo kohlenstoffkreislauf final englische sprachversion
Meso- and Macrozooplankton Dynamics in the Southwest African Upwelling Region

Meso- and Macrozooplankton Dynamics in the Southwest African Upwelling Region

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

4268 Hits | 27 Votes

03.06.2013 17:13 | Länge 00:04:36

Still medium meso  und makrozooplankton final english version
Project GENUS: Geochemistry and Ecology of the Namibian Upwelling System

Project GENUS: Geochemistry and Ecology of the Namibian Upwelling System

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

4086 Hits | 25 Votes

27.05.2013 17:48 | Länge 00:14:50

Still medium genus film 2013 engl podcampus
Project GENUS - marine research along Namibia's coast (trailer)

Project GENUS - marine research along Namibia's coast (trailer)

GenusPodcast in english
Universität Hamburg

3691 Hits | 3 Votes

15.03.2011 14:37 | Länge 00:01:42

Still medium 4513